CSS - translate Property - The translate property of CSS allows you to move an element along the X axis (horizontal), Y axis (vertical) and Z axiz (depth).
CSS Syntax Property Values Property ValueDescriptionDemo x-axisDefines position at the x-axis. Possible values: length % Demo ❯ y-axisDefines position at the y-axis. Possible values: length % Demo ❯ z-axisDefines position at the z-axis. Possible values: ...
transition-property: none| all |property;all表示所有属性都有过渡效果,property定义应用过渡效果的 CSS 属性名称列表,列表以逗号分隔 transition-duration: time值;默认是0 没有动画效果,以秒或者毫秒计 transition-timing-function:linear|ease|ease-in|ease-out|ease-in-out|cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n); /* trans...
transition属性:允许CSS属性值在一定的时间区间内平滑的过渡,只能设置 初始值和结束值,需要事件的触发,例如单击、获取焦点、失去焦点等 transition:transition-propertytransition-durationtransition-timing-functiontransition-delay; transition-property:规定应用过渡的 CSS 属性的名称。 transition-duration:定义过渡效果花费的...
The translate CSS property allows you to transfer an element from one place to another along the X (horizontal) axis, the Y (vertical) axis, and the Z (depth) axes, similar to how you might think of moving an element using offsets, like top, bottom, left, and right....
语法:transition: property duration timing-function delay; 例如:transition: width 2s ease 0s; 4.Animation Animation也是通过指定某一个属性(如width、left、transform等)在两个值之间如何过渡来实现动画的。 CSS3动画: 定义动画: @keyframes 自定义动画名称 { ...
SeeCSS: Cascading Style Sheets translate ThetranslateCSSproperty allows you to specify translation transforms individually and independently of thetransformproperty. This maps better to typical user interface usage, and saves having to remember the exact order of transform functions to specify in thetransf...
How to Use the CSS translate Property to Translate an Element along the X- and Y-axis Non-commercial Sign inGet started Info oluwatobiss This code is part of the article "translate() CSS Function – How to Reposition Elements with CSS" atwww.codesweetly.com. ...
3.transition: 允许css属性值在一定的时间区间内平滑的过渡。(过渡动画) transition主要包含四个属性值: (1) 执行变换的属性:transition-property; (2) 变换延续的时间:transition-duration; (3) 在延续时间段,变换的速率变化:transition-timing-function //例:平缓进入、先快后慢; ...
(4) 变换延迟时间: transition-delay 需要事件的触发,例如单击、获取焦点、失去焦点等。语法:transition: property duration timing-function delay;例如:transition: width 2s ease 0s;4.Animation Animation也是通过指定某⼀个属性(如width、left、transform等)在两个值之间如何过渡来实现动画的。