MultiTranse is a Russian translator that just allowing you to translate Russian to English and back English to Russian. So, if you want to have Russian translation of words, phrases, sentences up to 6000 symbols at a time the program is the one o the software you absolutely must have. The...
How Japanese People Translate Names in Complex Kanji Symbols?Takanori Tomita
:to transport miraculously to heaven without death 3 a :to change from one language or set of symbols into another translateJapanese into English b :to express in different words:paraphrase c :to explain in a clearer way:interpret needed a lawyer totranslatethe contract ...
The meaning of TRANSLATE is to turn into one's own or another language. How to use translate in a sentence.
English, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, French, Turkish, German, Thai, Korean, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Polish, Russian. This Finnish translator has a multilingual user interface that is very easy to use. The program works with Unicod...
Support special symbols in untranslated contents like "{}" "[]" and "<>" , the contents in special symbols will not be translated. Example: # untranslated contents: # "Your name is [povname], right?" # Chinese translated: "你的名字是 [povname] ,对吗?" # Japanese translated: "あな...
Convert Text to Transcription Cantonese Chinese English French German German (stress marks) Italian Italian (stress marks) Japanese Persian Portuguese Russian Russian (stress marks) Spanish Practice Your Pronunciation Individual Words American English British English Chinese French Mexican Spanish Russian Short...
vartranslator=newGoogleTranslator();Languagefrom=Language.Auto;Languageto=GoogleTranslator.GetLanguageByName("Japanese");TranslationResultresult=awaittranslator.TranslateLiteAsync("Hello. How are you?",from,to);//The result is separated by the suggestions and the '\n' symbolsstring[]resultSeparated=resu...
CJK stands for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. In any case, if unicode analyze reports when valid UTF-8 strings appear and if the file needs translating because it is not all ASCII plus UTF-8, you may need to specify transutf8 when you translate the file. If you are unsure, proceed ...
en-us: English (English) es-es: Spanish (Español) es-mx: Latin American Spanish (Español latinoamericano) fr-fr: French (Français) hu-hu: Hungarian (Magyar) it-it: Italian (Italiano) jp-jp: Japanese (日本語) kr-kr: Korean (한국어) ...