Translate the following sentences into English.1. 通过淡化自己缺乏经验的弱点,并强调自己对工作的兴趣,她最终得到了工作。
Translation Task Translate the sentences into English, using the glven words or expressions,(1)别担心,他肯定会来。 ( be sure to come)(2)问题可能出在拙劣的工艺上。 (be due to)(3)我不是环保人士,而是地球战士。 (warrior)(4)如今,医生们在担心一次世界性的流行病。 (pandemic)(5)这本书旨在...
When you receive an email in another language, you'll see a prompt at the top of the message asking if you'd like Outlook to translate it into your preferred language. When you receive an email in another language, you can respond in two different ways: ...
in the end, it becomes an international language that expresses the most advanced cultures in the world. It finally infiltrates into almost all languages. Such cultural advantage is not fictitious but real. As a result, the translation demands of translating from English have ...
We translate your book, quickly, efficiently, and with a human touch that will preserve your voice as a writer. Right now, we believe the main focus for indie authors should be the German market so that’s all we offer – translations from English into German. ...
Task 5. Translate the following into English,using the given words or phrases. 1.我把咖啡洒了一桌 ( spill ) 2.会上要求我们每个人都提出建议 ( contribute ) 3.水果在运送时容易腐烂 ( perishable ) 4.负责的军官在战斗中受了重伤 ( in charge ) 5.显然那间公寓一直没有人住 ( apparently ) 6....
Translate the following sentences into English, using the phrase after each sentence.1.如果你把手伸出就能感觉到在下雨。stretch out2.我们努力了解每个客户的业务和目标。make an effort3.史密斯先生决定出售他在那家公司的股份。sell out4.近年来他一直从事科研工作。be engaged in...
To translate text into any language, scan the text from printed books, online books, PDFs, and from any place where the written text is available using an AI camera. ◆ English Hindi Learning Learn English Vocabulary. Learn English words and native saying. Now you can sound like a native ...
Using Google translate English to Chinese is one of the easiest ways of translating text on the web. To get started, simply visit theGoogle Translate home page. From there, the process is very straight forward. Type the English text into the first text box. Select English using the first ...
To translate text into any language, scan the text from printed books, online books, PDFs, and from any place where the written text is available using an AI camera. ◆ English Hindi Learning Learn English Vocabulary. Learn English words and native saying. Now you can sound like a native ...