I’ve had this app on my phone for years. Honestly I don’t know why because it is utter trash. Rarely does it accurately understand what I’ve said on the first go. Most times I have to try repeatedly before giving up and manually typing. Actually I could swear I’ve written a re...
What does Boba in Spanish mean? Word forms:bobo, boba. adjective. (= tonto) silly ⧫ stupid. How do you say good morning in Hebrew? Israelis are big on greetings, and a “good morning” — orboker tov (BOH-ker TOHV)— can go a long way. ...
After clicking the pencil icon, in the translation sidebar you can upload or select a different image source for the Spanish version. Select or upload the translated version of the image, click “Save” and you’re done. Switching the language to Spanish will now display the Spanish version ...
Spanish Word: llegar English Translation: to arrive, come, reach; to bring up [ view verb conjugations ] Translated sentences containing 'llegar' ¿Cómo puedo llegar a Madrid? How do I get to Madrid? Démonos prisa si queremos llegar a tiempo. Let's hurry if we want to arrive ...
Spanish Word: portal English Translation: portal Translated sentences containing 'portal' En el Portal de Belén yo me lo remandaba. At the Gate of Bethlehem I attempted to mend it. Un portal para la información: ¡sí! A portal for information: yes! Asimismo han mencionado la ...