Google 免费提供的这项服务可在简体中文和其他 100 多种语言之间即时翻译字词、短语和网页。
How can I become a translator at If you are a qualified language translator, we'll be happy to have you on our translator team. Sign up and take the assessment test in your language(s). Once you have passed the assessment, you’ll be able to become a regular translator...
谷歌翻译器官方正版英文又叫google translate翻译,是谷歌公司推出的手机翻译软件,比一般的翻译都好用,覆盖语言广,支持在线搜索和离线查询,含有准确发音,详细的释义和例句,还支持拍照翻译,非常的方便。 更新日志 - 优化了性能 - 修复了几个小错误 多平台下载 ...
使用Android版Google翻译(Google Translate)可翻译 64 多种语言的字词和短语。对于大多数语言,您可以读出短语,然后便可听到相应的语音翻译。 谷歌翻译软件手机版特色 借助Google 翻译,您可以 收听朗读出的语音翻译(40 种语言) 使用语音到语音翻译在会话模式下与他人进行交流(测试版,14 种语言) 以全屏模式显示翻译...
Is Google Translate free?Yes, this webapp is free to use, both on the web and through the mobile app.AlternativesMicrosoft Translator: Another powerful translation tool that supports over 100 languages and offers similar features like text, voice, and image translation. Microsoft Translator is well...
GTranslate is a website translator which can translate any website to any language automatically and make it available to the world!
Google Translate is a pocket translator that you can have confidence in. Write the words or phrases you want to translate, choose the original language, then the desired language, and it will convert the text in real-time. Minimalist interface design ...
Virtually a human translator in conversation mode Recently, Google Translate added a new feature called ‘Conversation’ mode. It allows you toconverse with the app, speaking naturally into the microphone to get words or phrases translated. While speaking, you don’t need to tap the screen consta...
谷歌翻译器中文版(Google Translate) 138KB / 2020-06-10 / v1.2 桌面版 评分:下载 谷歌翻译器中文版(GoogleTranslate)是一款非常强大的语言转换翻译软件,可以让用户更加方便快捷的实现在线文字语言翻译,让你的生活学习工作更加的舒心,支持离线词库,更多精彩尽在 ...|基于5个网页 更多释义 例句 释义: 全部,谷歌翻译,谷歌翻译页面,在线翻译 更多例句筛选 1. TRANSLATORTranslateanytextorWeb pagetoorfrom40languages( 翻译器(TRANSLATOR):双向翻译四十种语言的任意文字或网页(。