"Translate the following English phrase into French: 'Hello, how are you?'" "Can you provide a translation of this Spanish sentence into English: 'Me gusta mucho este libro'?" "I need to translate this short paragraph from German to Chinese. Please help." "Translate the word 'Thank you...
By adding in glossary entries, you can tell the translator that you want the word “automobile” used in place of “car” and “vehicle”.We match glossary entries on a single word or a phrase, as long as the text we are replacing exactly matches the glossary entry. What’s the ...
Later, when you’re translating the same phrase for the same language, Lokalise will give you a handful of inline suggestions from the TM.Pro tip: If you’re using design tools like Figma or Sketch, you can use our integration and populate your designs with MT to check how the design ...
Translating a sentence is much the same like translating a phrase; you can just quote the sentence into one argument: $ trans :zh "To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow," $ trans :zh 'To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,' It is also possible to translate multi-line sentenc...
<mstrans:dictionary translation="translation of phrase">phrase</mstrans:dictionary> For example, consider the English sentence "The word wordomatic is a dictionary entry." To preserve the word wordomatic in the translation, send the request:HTTP...
deepl(phrase, to_language='fr', sleep_seconds=5) for phrase in parsed_json.values()] print(result) In this case I’ve specified the sleep_seconds option to avoid sending too many requests. Now you can run the script… pipenv run python src\translate-translators.py …and observe the ...
Translate Multiple Words or a Phrase Translate each word alone: $ trans en:zh word processor Put words into one argument, and translate them as a whole: $ trans en:zh "word processor" Translate a Sentence Translating a sentence is much the same like translating a phrase; you can just ...
Translate text into 110+ languages. Enter the phrase you want to translate to receive the results in text format or listen to the correct pronunciation. • Offline Phrasebook Create custom lists of phrases for each language to access them whenever you need, even offline. ...
Start using Voice Translator now and forget about looking for the correct phrase in the dictionary – say any phrase and your interpreter will pronounce the translation out loud! Features: –Immediate translation of real-time conversations –Use your camera for instant text translation –Translate tex...
German interest rates will come down before long... 德国的利率水平很快就会降下来。 4. PHRASE (表示支持和愿望)万岁/永存 You use long live and long may in expressions such as 'long live the Queen' and 'long may it continue' to express your support for someone or something and your hope ...