Use the -linguist (-L) option to view details of one or more languages: $ trans -L fr $ trans -L de+en Some basic information of the language will be displayed: its English name and endonym (language name in the language itself), language family, writing system, canonical Google Tra...
Use the -linguist (-L) option to view details of one or more languages: $ trans -L fr $ trans -L de+en Some basic information of the language will be displayed: its English name and endonym (language name in the language itself), language family, writing system, canonical Google Tra...
Information options:-V,-versionPrint version and exit.-H,-helpPrinthelpmessage and exit.-M,-manShow man page and exit.-T,-referencePrint reference table of languages and exit.-R,-reference-englishPrint reference table of languages(inEnglish names)and exit.-LCODES,-listCODES Print details of ...
What I translated “speed-read” is literally “read diagonally”; that seems to be a popular method among Russian-speakers. Apparentlyit’s a thingin English too, but I doubt it’s well enough known that such a rendering would make sense to most people. My “zippity bop” represents т...
swamping the results of Google searches for actual text in Irish. It is getting ever harder to find anything useful, in any language. Everybody and his dog publishes rubbish in pidgin-X that happens to contain my search words, whether X is German, French or English. I expect that the in...
Hi, All! I have wanted for a very long time to contribute with something to our community, not only to gain great ideas and examples from all of you guys! Respect for everything you have shared! I don't pretend that this is something great but it works.
Perfidious, from the Latin word“perfidia”, means“one who does not keep his faith or word”. While Albion is an old name for Great Britain. The name originally referred to Britain as a whole, but was later restricted to Caledonia (becoming the modern Scottish Gaelic name for Scotland,Alb...
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> <string name="ensure_app_normal_run_permission"> 为了保证软件的正常运行,必须要获取权限 </string> <!-- tab --> <string name="network_error"> 网络不可用,点击屏幕重试 </string> <string name="last_page"> 错误 </string> <...