That's the first text we're going to use in our app. Let's add a German translation right away, via the new filelib/l10n/app_de.arb: { "pushCounterText": "Du hast den Button so oft gedrückt:" } Now, run your app so that codegen takes place. flutter run Of course, the text...
The code switches to the German (de-de) language file created in the section above. import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import Route from '@ember/routing/route'; export default Route.extend({ intl: service(), beforeModel() { this.get('intl').setLocale(['de-de']);...
"pushCounterText": "Du hast den Button so oft gedrückt:", "@pushCounterText": { "description": "A description for the push counter", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} } } Finally, you have to create the.dartfiles from the.arbfiles: flutter pub pub run intl_translation:generate_...