Free Online Pinyin Translation. Translate Pinyin Chinese English. Direct word and sentence Translator Dictionary. Convert Pīnyīn (or no tones) to English Chinese 中文 英文 拼音
translate-chinese-name-to-pinyinPe**er 上传19.63 KB 文件格式 zip 你提到了一个用于将汉字转换成拼音的 iOS 系统类,该类使用了 pinyin.h 和 pinyin.c 文件。这个类在处理多音字作为姓氏时可能会出现转换不准确的问题。为了解决这个问题,它提供了纠正多音字姓氏转换错误的功能。你可以得到带有音调的拼音、不带...
翻译definition at, a free online dictionary with English, Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin, Strokes & Audio. Look it up now!
使用"查拼音 Translate PinYin" 您可以用按鍵輸入來即時查詢一句話的拼音! 直接用按鍵輸入一串字,系統會即時查出那串字的拼音。 輸入完畢後可以按刪除刪掉之前的句子,也可以按紐將鍵盤收起。 p.s. 有些生字可能會顯示查無資料,可以輸入其他同音常用字即可查詢What...
There are several updates in the Chinese pinyin translator. The most important update concerns the translation of Chinese numbers. Now you have several options:do not translate Chinese numbers, example: "101" will remain "101", translate the numbers into Chinese characters, hanzi, for that I ...
require 'chinese_pinyin' Pinyin.t('中国') => "zhong guo" Pinyin.t('你好world') => "ni hao world" Pinyin.t('中国', splitter: '-') => "zhong-guo" Pinyin.t('中国', splitter: '') => "zhongguo" Pinyin.t('中国', tone: true) => "zhong1 guo2" Pinyin.t('中国', tonemarks...
Translate Chinese hanzi to pinyin (拼音) by Python, 汉字转拼音 Install Python version >= 3.6 pipinstall-Uxpinyin Python version < 3.6 pipinstallxpinyin==0.5.7 Usage >>>fromxpinyinimportPinyin>>>p=Pinyin()>>># default splitter is `-`>>>p.get_pinyin("上海")'shang-hai'>>># show tone...
编译definition at, a free online dictionary with English, Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin, Strokes & Audio. Look it up now!
传译definition at, a free online dictionary with English, Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin, Strokes & Audio. Look it up now!
json-to-xml transformer translate translater translator formatter fullcrimppublished 2.0.7 • 6 months agopublished 2.0.7 6 months ago M Q P @tykok/cedict-dictionary The Cedict dictionary get and format the cedict to a JSON file cedict chinese pinyin dictionary learning english language translate...