The true meaning of communication is frequently lost in translation, resulting in bad outcomes. This is unlikely to occur if you use the professional translation services we provide in the English and Spanish language pairs. We do not provide services performed by robots on software (as most of ...
to translate words into deeds→ convertir palabras en acción 3. (= transfer) (esp Rel)→ trasladar (from, to de a) B. VI [person]→ traducir; [word, expression]→ traducirsepoetry does not translate easily→ la poesía no es fácil de traducir Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and...
1. (Ling)→ traducir (from, into de a) translate this text into Spanish→ traduzca este texto al españolhow do you translate "posh"?→ ¿cómo se traduce "posh"? 2. (= convert) to translate centigrade into Fahrenheit→ convertir grados centígrados en Fahrenheitto translate words into...
Spanish Dutch German French Swedish To: French English Spanish Dutch German French Swedish Most Recently Searched For Words: AtmosphärelibrarlibrodeladelarHTTPSHTTPSfjäsklupinexperienciahaantje-de-voorstemosaiskgrammaticacedercederiñónriñonesparoleParoleconsultantamplifyevenarenevenaarllavellavescagónne...
iTranslate 是最頂級的翻譯及字典應用程式之一,志在幫助您輕鬆打破語言障礙。順暢無縫地翻譯文字、網站、物件,或者以超過 100 種語言開始語音對話。我們獨一無二的「自訂常用語手冊」功能讓你學習語音及創建於生活中不同情況的個人化短語表。如果您需要在外國使用 iTransl
Panel switch to display only translation button modified to only take effect on the current page 1.3.3 Optimized the translation display issue of Twitter CC video subtitles. DeepL service has added support for Arabic. Colorful Clouds translation service now supports Korean, Spanish, French, and...
Spanish:traducir(es) Swahili:tafsiri(sw) Swedish:översätta(sv) Tagalog:magsalin Tahitian:ʻauvaha,ʻiriti Tajik:тарҷумакардан(tarjuma kardan) Thai:แปล(th)(bplae) Turkish:tercüme etmek(tr),terceme(tr),çevirmek(tr) ...
I used Google Translate to quickly generate a Spanish version as shown below: Usé Google Translate para generar rápidamente una versión en Español como se muestra abajo: ParaCrawl Corpus Also, I used google translate to reply, so I hope it’s not to bad in Spanish. Además, usé...
Upload your .txt file with transcription using a button “Transcript file.” Select a language and the track name, after which click “Upload.” Name your track according to the language you’re using. For example, write “Spanish” if your transcription is in Spanish. ...
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe...