-支持macOS的“连续互通”相机功能,用iPhone或iPad拍摄任意文本,自动导入Mac; 【同传翻译】 支持中英日韩等14种语言互译,实时展示多人同传翻译字幕; 【状态栏菜单】 不打开主窗口,也能在mini窗口快速查词; 【网页翻译】 输入网址快速翻译网页内容,保持原排版信息,阅读体验舒适流畅; ...
Just activate the app into your Safari browser (click the "Enable Translate for Safari") - then all you have to do is to click the "Translate Page Now" button and the entire site will be translated (by the way, select Google Translate China if you use the app from your contry). You...
Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps.Translate - Speak & Voice 4+ All Language Translator, Text Himanshu Rupareliya Designed for iPhone Free iPhone ScreenshotsDescription Voice translation was never so easy! Travel around the world and easily communicate in any country – Speak & ...
It's worth mentioning that most of these system-wide Apple Translate features work on macOS, despite the Mac lacking a dedicated app. As you can see, the Apple Translate app is rich with features, some of which remain absent from some rivaling services. Despite the app not offering as many...
By MacRumors Staff on February 5, 2020Google Translate ArticlesGoogle Translate App Updated With Dark Mode Support on iPhone and iPad Wednesday February 5, 2020 5:12 am PST by Joe Rossignol Nearly five months after the release of iOS 13, Google has finally updated its Translate app with Dark...
請開啟 Mac App Store 以購買和下載 App。CC: AI Transcribe & Translate 4+ Walter Labs, Inc. 專為iPad 設計 免費 提供App 內購買 截圖 iPad iPhone Apple Vision 簡介 Welcome to Closed Captions (CC), your easy tool for seamless transcription and translation of your surroundings. CC was built ...
On iPhone and iPad, Apple includes a Translate app that can translate several different languages in real-time, and Safari has integrated translation...
If you don't have python on your OS you can try compiled version from this release page assets. If it doesn't run well then you need to install python on your Windows system. When you run this app for the very first time it may takes some times to download vosk language model, you...
+97 −0 published/10 Most Dangerous Commands – You Should Never Execute on Linux.md +209 −0 published/10 basic examples of Linux ps command.md +214 −0 published/13 Linux Cat Command Examples To Manage (Display,Sort,Create etc) Files.md +19 −21 {translated →...
1、打开APP单击悬浮图标即可翻译整个屏幕; 2、双击悬浮图标然后长按并滑动悬浮图标框选要翻译的区域后就能翻译指定区域内容了。 PS:需要漫画识别,需要开启漫画识别功能。 只需一键开启悬浮球全屏翻译,桌面上便会出现一个小图标。长按图标,即可轻松调出翻译选项。Translate On Screen不仅支持区域翻译、字幕翻译、图片翻译...