Multiple stakeholders inquired about the recent slowdown in IT hiring, particularly as it has remained relatively muted over the past 2-3 months, and asked whether hiring would pick up in the coming quarters. “I’ve always said that our platform is not as efficient for non-IT hiring as it...
是☒不是☐ 勾选以下选框,指示申报人是大型加速评估提交人、加速评估提交人、非加速评估提交人、小型报告公司或新兴成长型公司。关于“大型加速评估提交人”、“加速评估提交人”、“小型报告公司”和“新兴成长型公司”的定义,请参见《交易所法规》第12亿.2条。 大型加速文件管理器 ☐ 加速过滤器 ☐ 非...