Germany I speak Chinese, German, English, Spanish 524 orders completed Contact me Technical and creative translation, proofreading, writing Hi, Daniel here. I'm a native German with 6+ years of experience as a translator, editor and copywriter. I offer complex translations between English-German...
Spanish (es) adalah bahasa target. Kolom pertama memberikan contoh teks sumber. Kolom lainnya berisi contoh terjemahan. Ketika data parallel ini mengkustomisasi tugas batch, Amazon Translate menyesuaikan terjemahan untuk mencerminkan contoh. Format file input Amazon Translate mendukung format berikut ...
Furthermore, the Spanish Law has been cited by the EU as a precedent for the Directive. This paper adopts a multi-method approach, based on content analysis and qualitative interviews to portray the state and evolution of such CSR reporting regulation. The results of the content analysis ...
Translate between up to 249 languages. Feature support varies by language: • Text: Translate between languages by typing • Offline: Translate with no internet c…
if word['word'][0] in flag: cur['end_time']=int(word["start"] * 1000)+start_time if cur['end_time']-cur['start_time']<1500: Expand All @@ -151,6 +153,9 @@ def append_raws(cur): cur[ 'time'] = f'{tools.ms_to_time_string(ms=cur["start_time"])} --> {
in the following passage in Spanish (a language where subjects aren’t alwaysexplicitly mentioned), the first sentence refers explicitly to Marie Curie as the subject, but the second one doesn't explicitly mention the subject. In isolation, this second sentence could refer to a person of any ...
I invite you and your family to call right now 1-801-240-1000 in order to arrange to visit with the missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You can also reach the missionaries via the website