Transitive and intransitive constructions in Japanese and English: A psycholinguistic study Luk, Zoe Pei-sui. University of Pittsburgh ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2012. 3532883.
Japanese Transitive-Intransitive Paired Verbs: Syntax Studydoi:10.4108/eai.5-11-2022.2329448Kadir, Puspa MiraniEAI Computing & Communication in Emerging Regions - CCER
Japanese Transitive and Intransitive Verbs: e-Learning System with Speech Recognition and VideoLearning a foreign language requires diverse knowledge and skills. So we developed a Web-based learning system. This system is equipped with a speaker-independent speech recognition applet, so learners...
Based on the existing study of Japanese intransitive verbs and transitive verbs, this paper combined with the "cognitive learning theory", "organization strategy" of education psychology theory, from two aspects to discuss the relationship between Japanese verbs and case-auxiliary word, thereby deducing...
Analysis of Japanese Intransitive Verb and Transitive Verb Expressions Based on Different Perspectives Zongjie Wang1,a and Jinghui Wang2 1Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages, ShaoXing 312000, China 2Harbin Normal University, Harbin 150025, China Keywords: Intransitive Verb...
简介 Test your knowledge of Japanese verbs! Can you tell the difference between transitive and intransitive verbs? Practice with fun examples and master this essential grammar point. Perfect for language learners and JLPT preparation! 新内容
Showing a limited preview of this publication: KIYOHARUONOINTRANSITIVE-TRANSITIVEPHRASEPAIRSINJAPANESEThis paperis anattempttocharacterizeprototypicalintransitivityandprototypical transitivitybymeansofanalysisofintransitive-transitive phrasepairssuchasTaroowakoe gakareta/koeokarasitaTarogothoarse'andHanakowahanazigadetaj...
b pairs in Japanese Origin of transitive-intransitive verb pairs in JapaneseOrigin of transitive-intransitive verb pairs in JapaneseMajtczak, Tomasz
In your second example, 繰り返し cannot be used as an intransitive verb - it is えeither translated with it as an adverb (like "repeatedly")壊れたレコーダーは繰り返し再生を続けた or a sort of transitive verb that takes an object 壊れたレコーダーは再生を繰り返した However, in ...
Intransitive and Transitive Verbs (A Beginner's Guide to Basic Japanese Grammar) Learn JAPANESE by songs专辑:A Beginner's Guide to Basic Japanese Grammar流派:乡村 立即播放 收藏 分享 下载歌曲 作曲:Walter Yamamoto 作词:Walter Yamamoto 暂无歌词 ...