Noun We want to have a smooth transition when the new owners take control of the company. the sometimes difficult transition from childhood to adulthood The country made a peaceful transition from dictatorship to democracy. Verb The company has transitioned to new management in the past year. ...
Popular in Wordplay See All Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) 9 Superb Owl Words 15 Words That Used to Mean Something Different ...
Research into these transitions focuses on the movement from one status to another and from 'youth' to 'adulthood', tracing changes in the timing of these transitions over time and comparing the timing across various groups. Research focused less on youth as a period of transition than on the...
Research into these transitions focuses on the movement from one status to another and from 'youth' to 'adulthood', tracing changes in the timing of these transitions over time and comparing the timing across various groups. Research focused less on youth as a period of transition than on the...
[i]ntersecting and overlapping forms of disadvantage [what mean] not only […] non-normative transitions to adulthood, they also experience multiple other system and service transitions” (Smith & Dowse,2019, p. 1328). Transitional assistance cannot be viewed or designed exclusively from an ...
In many cultures, there are rites of passage that mark the transition from childhood to adulthood, such as religious rituals or physical transformation (Alcorta and Sosis, 2020). These rites of passage proceed in three phases: separation from existing environments and relationships, a temporary ...
Rural Chinese youth during the transition into adulthood: Family dynamics and psychological adjustment 2021, International Journal of Psychology Guanxi and school success: an ethnographic inquiry of parental involvement in rural China 2016, British Journal of Sociology of Education ...
Do Transitions to Adulthood Converge in Europe? An Optimal Matching Analysis of Work-Family Trajectories of Young Adults from 20 European Countries This paper addresses the question of the convergence of transitions to adulthood in 20 European countries using data from the third round of the European...
Some of us, like my friend, are aware of being masked. Others not so much. It might surprise you that a great majority of us enter adulthood by relying on external influences to set our expectations and definition for ‘who we are.’ Our families or our occupation or our faith play a...
Definition The Better OutcOmes & Successful Transitions for Autism (BOOST-ATM) is an autism-specific, web-based program that aims to prepare adolescents on the autism spectrum for the transition from high school to further education, training, or employment. The BOOST-ATMsupports adolescents on the...