, IFRS Digest: What U.S. Practitioners and Entities Need to Know Now (pp. 185-188). New York, NY: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.E. Heffes . 2008. "Global accounting firm CEOs on challenges-transitioning from GAAP to IFRS, and more", Financial Executive , 14 -...
While Japan has committed to the convergence of Japanese generally accepted accounting principles (J€ GAAP) with IFRS it has not as yet formally adopted IFRS. This paper reports on Japanese corporate perceptions of the likely costs and benefits of adopting and implementing IFRS using survey data ...
9. Mitigating Risk Exposure in Transitioning to the IFRSIFRSrisk exposureglobal economyGAAPglobalizationSummary The migration of the major economies from their local generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to the new International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) represents a much-needed ...
GAAP and IFRS, research and analyze the accounting for lease complexities, and apply broader business concepts in making recommendations. Instructors can select from combinations of case requirements so that the case can be used in financial accounting courses from the intermediate through the graduate ...