Aspose.Words 旨在根据 XHTML 1.0 Transitional 规范 输出 XHTML,但输出并不总是根据 DTD 进行验证。 Microsoft Word 文档中的某些结构很难或不可能映射到将根据 XHTML 架构进行验证的文档。 例如,XHTML 不允许嵌套列表(UL 不能嵌套在另一个 UL 元素内), 但在 Microsoft Word 文档中,多层列表经常出现。
Though Allah has created sufficient resources still there is poverty and one of the key reasons is that a few greedy people own majority of world’s resources. The word greed appears eight times in the Quran. The greedy rich have more thirst for resources. Allah says, “The craving for eve...
If there are more than 2 lines in length, reduce the font size * When the post title is displayed in the header, it will be displayed in up to 8 lines.If there are more than 2 lines in length, reduce the font size * Entry Content * excerpt: Summary is not counted by word count...