Reach independent living with our Transitional Housing program for Alameda County. AHCares is dedicated to seeing our residents thrive
County getting $2.1 million for transitional housingJames Rufus Koren
During the project period, the collaborating infrastructure team supported the reconstruction of housing, community buildings, and bridges to enhance local capacity and social development. During the 7-year follow-up visit in 2018, a health education intervention on ORS was provided to the villagers....
(Case No. D075387), the Fourth District Court of Appeal rejected a project opposition group’s challenge, under the California Coastal Act, to San Diego’s approval of a conditional use permit to allow the City to convert an existing Super 8 motel into a transitional housing facility for ...
“It’s a package,” she said. “Transitional housing, child care, support services of the Y and counseling.” Families with children are the fastest-growing segment of the homeless population, homeless advocates report. Most of those families are headed by women. In Orange County, an estimate...
Its cranial features that are shared with basal troodontids include a proportionately large and posteriorly extended external naris, a laterally exposed promaxillary fenestra, and a relatively short groove housing vascular foramina on the lateral surface of the dentary. Natural selection has been ...
In practice, local governments have used planning as a negotiation tool to attain more autonomy from the central government or to attract investment from the private sector [4]. The shift from a planned economy to a market economy has led to the marketization and commodification of housing and ...