“I can’t quit smoking now. My life is too stressful.”“It relaxes me.” Some of the most common excuses to continue smoking are myths. It can be a hard habit to break – that’s true. But people often think that smoking will help them calm down or help them relax. They reach...
Toll Brothers has a great team of designers, your houses are remarkable! I notice the floor tile in your homes, some looks like a matte finish others look polished. I have been told to stay away from Polished tile on floors….what’s your thought? Reply Toll Brothers December 4, 2019...
At any given time during fall or winter one can (8) one’s TV set and see the top athletic programs--from schools like Michigan, UCLA, Duke and Stanford-- (9) in front of packed houses and national TV audiences. B. The athletes themselves are (10) and provided with sch61arships....