Notes: The figure describes Uruguay’s emissions by sector of activity, according to the methodology proposed by the IPCC, for the year 2019 in gigagrams of CO2-eq. (GWP100AR2). Sectors of activity are classified into four broad categories: Energy, Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU...
To date, the European standards EN 15978 and EN15804:2012+A2:2019 are commonly used to assess the environmental impact of buildings in EU. This method is based in the ILCD used in the work of Oquendo-Di Cosola et al. However, there is no clear indicator to assess biodiversity as ther...
Ongoing work is required to explore determinants of post-discharge nutrition care in this vulnerable population. Keywords: malnutrition; hospital to home; discharge; nutrition care; older adults; care transitions1. Introduction Older adults are at a greater risk of malnutrition secondary to age-related...
we draw on the experience from national institutions that are leading the improvement in official energy scenario planning to articulate a set of overarching best practices to (i) strengthen LTES development, (ii) effectively use LTES for strategic energy planning and (iii) enhance institutional cap...
Help our life science customers meet regulatory requirements, boost efficiency, and improve patient outcomes REQUEST A PROPOSALOr ask a question! Get answers right now. Call US OfficeWashington DC 1.800.472.6477 EU OfficeCork, Ireland +353 21 212 8530...
. The resulting panel of 39 scenarios is used to estimate a set of key outputs: the year of the peak, the net-energy production peak (EJ), the yearly net-energy increase from 2015–2019 to the peak (EJ/year), the yearly net-energy decrease from the peak to 2050 (EJ/year), the ...