This book contains over 3,000 quotations which have particular meaning for people who are going through major changes in their lives. These words come from men and women, from the secular and religious world, from the ancient Egyptians to well known fig
In the words of Fontanarosa and Flanagin, the decision to implement a particularly promising intervention should wait until the study has been “evaluated by rigorous peer review for scientific validity and clinical importance.”14 Indeed, we question whether the current enthusiasm to simultaneously ...
In other words, if we imagine two life forms, one of which, A, is expansive, the other, B, isn't, then we can expect to meet A in various places, while we cannot expect B anywhere except perhaps still at its place of inception. Given that the evolution of life from dead matter i...
2010). In other words, learning is seen as sensitive to biographical narratives and cultural influences, is embodied and relational and comes about through “the integration of product and process” (Hodkinson 2005, 116). So, non-traditional students entering university may not have the socio-...
He spoke to me as if I already knew, and once again my mind reeled until I grasped the meaning of his words. She had urged him to go for a walk the day before. He left her with the hospice caretaker, and while he was out, she was able to let go. The hospice worker told him...
My interest is that they can communicate about concepts and to make them know what exactly they are doing without coding things into foreign words. Summarizing the development referring to formalist views, the comparison of data of the first and second interviews shows either a confirmation of ...
Several of the foster carers emphasized the understanding that the young people formerly placed in their care needed support after turning 18 years old. This was put into words by a foster mother in answer to a question about what kind of follow-up she thought these young people needed: ...
Out of the condensed units, codes were extracted, consisting of words or a short sentence. For example, codes might represent specific actions or an approach that the RNs described in the interviews. During the analysis, we attempted to create codes that were close to the text, although more...
The identified categories show how both the illness trajectory, the care responsibilities, the place of care and the intimate relationships between a next of kin and a parent are linked close together and influence the life for the next of kin. In other words, this transition is seen to ...
The reason for this was the disappointment of being a regular employee of a subsidiary company, but not a regular employee directly hired by the parent company, along with the consciousness that this employee was discriminated against by different wage levels and wage systems. In other words, ...