【Podcast Clip】How do you think about Words of Recognition? 01:59 IELTS Energy Podcast 1274: Pretty Great Vocabulary for Quite Good Scores. 13:04 IELTS Energy Podcast 1269: Short Idioms for Higher Scores. 11:47 【Podcast Clip】How to use "Pretty" and "Quite" correctly. 03:40...
1、Transition words Chro nological Relatio nsnow, no wadays;whe n, before, after, while, duri ng;betweenand ;in (year); since ;later, afterwards, earlier, formerly; from then on;at the turn of the century (decade); in the first half of the century;in the 1990s;at birth, in child...
Transition words Transition words Cause:⏹Because, since, seeing that, given that, for the reason that, for that, for fear that, on account of, because of, owing to, due to, in response to, in order to, ⏹Therefore, wherefore, thereby, thus, hence, as a result, inevitably...
Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins 8 Words with Fascinating Histories 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things ...
Transition words (or transitional words) connect a topic to one that follows or that links sections of a written work. Good transition words for paragraphs are a key component of polished essay and paper writing. Transitions create a smooth flow in writing by indicating the relationship between ...
for instance in particular an illustration of to demonstrate to illustrate even namely specifically Transitionssignallingexplanation indeed in other words put another way in fact simply stated that is Transitionssignallingconcession after all of course at the same time actually even though Transitionssignalli...
Accessed 25 Feb. 2025. Copy Citation Share Post more words for transition to Facebook Facebook Share more words for transition on Twitter Twitter More from Merriam-Webster on transition Nglish: Translation of transition for Spanish Speakers Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about transition...
2-4 出记事常用连接 (Transitions) 以时间为线索: One day Last Monday Just the next morning Immediately When my father came back home At that moment, After a two-hour drive, Seeing the beautiful campus and the fascinated look on my face, With time passing quickly While waiting for a bus to...
transitionwords英文写作中的过渡词Transition words • now, no wadays; whe n, before, after, while, duri ng; between…and…;in…(year); since…; later, afterwards, earlier, formerly; from then on; at the turn of the century (decade); in the first half of the century; in the 1990s...
paragraph in another way or in a more exacting way:in other words point in fact specifically Sequence or time after afterwards as soon as at first at last before before long finally first... second... third in the first place in the meantime later meanwhile next soon then ...