Transition words Cause:⏹Because, since, seeing that, given that, for the reason that, for that, for fear that, on account of, because of, owing to, due to, in response to, in order to, ⏹Therefore, wherefore, thereby, thus, hence, as a result, inevitably, consequently, ...
have seen, briefly, by and large, for all that, given these facts, given these points, in all, in brief, in conclusion, in other words, in short, in sum, in summary, on the whole, overall, so, summing up, to make a long story short,to put it briefly, to sum up, to ...
According to Michigan State University, adversative transitions convey conflict, disagreement, concession, and dismissal. Here are several examples: Conflict:The work does touch on the subject of family. Its core idea, however, is more generally political…(Conflict transition words: but, although, al...
addiction to financialized economic “growth” no matter what the consequences for people and nature; perpetual conflict among people and nations; and so forth. In other words, it’s a comedy! (OK, it’s not a comedy, but it seemed that at least a little levity was called for after tha...
To illustrate As an example In other words Take (sth as) example As follows In practice Let me illustrate According to statistics Let me cite as proof According to statistics evidence Making Comparison and Contrast To compare: Similar to At the same rate as Similarly As Like, alike (just) ...
In other words Take (sth as) example As follows Inpractice Let me illustrate According to statistics Let me cite as proof According to statistics evidence ●Making Comparison and Contrast To compare: Similar to At the same rate as Similarly As Like, alike (just) as…so Likewise In like mann...
摘要: Presents educational activities for children aimed at developing their written communication skills. Definition of transition words and phrases; Examples of transition words and phrases; Ways to help students recognize the need for transition words.年份: 2004 ...
ingeneral,inparticular,toillustrate,namely,inotherwords,thatistosay,thatis...如: 7.表示概要和结论这类过渡词通常用在议论文或说明文的结尾,表示对前面所阐述 内容的概括或总结。 inaword,inshort,inbrief,tosumup,onthewhole,byandlarge,allinall,sofar,therefore, ...
transition words transitionwords* category transitions additionadditionally, again, also, well,besides, beyond, equally important, first (second, third, fourth, finally, last, lasty, etc.), onething, furthermore, likewise, moreover, next, now, aboveemphasis above all, certainly, especially, ...
China's target is for renewables to account for 27 percent of power generation by 2020, while electricity is the focus of the energy transition, according to DNV GL's latest Energy Transition Outlook. The Norway-based international certification agency predicted that Greater China's energy mix wil...