We also sent new emerging energy sources like ammonia. Three cargos—test cargos—were sent to Asia and to Europe. Also, today we are sourcing 100% of grid power from zero carbon, solar, and nuclear energy, ensuring energy efficiency improvement across our operation. And we also apply, of ...
Aurecon partners with organisations and governments to manage the risks of climate change and help them transition to a carbon neutral future.
“Mining companies are no longer just looking for products that boost efficiency or lower costs, they also need products and services that meet their environmental, social and governance (ESG) obligations.AIMEXwill illustrate the sector’s transition to a net-zero future with a dedicated pro...
December 1, 2023Reaching net-zero emissions must happen hand in hand with inclusive economic growth. At the same time, leaders need to adapt to mounting climate risks that could affect the lives and livelihoods of people around the world. Looking at the distribution of the US Black population ...
operate, primarily in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, these actions must address both the urgent need to transition to a net-zero economyandthe need to support ongoing economic development. These are not exclusive objectives and our plans manage this ‘just transition’ to a net-zero economy...
In this plan, we will organize our existing efforts and future plans, and work to realize a low-carbon society throughout our value chain to achieve Net Zero in 2040. EIZO provide products and services globally to more than 130 countries around the world. Also, we have established a global...
Never has the global community had such a time-limited, goal-driven and wide-ranging reform agenda to carry out as the net zero challenge. While it’s clear we need to make swift, bold and long-standing changes across all aspects of human activity driving emissions, ...
“If investors help fund a just transition, emerging market economic output could be 3.1 per cent higher each year until 2060.” Groups such as the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero Principles Group – an ambitious programme to generate the commitment, engagement, investment and alignment nee...
“We are delighted to be able to convene a room full of decision makers here in Malaysia for this important conversation. We’ve seen around the world how we are already suffering acute impacts of climate change and inequality. We need to urgently transition economies and highligh...
A transition to net-zero emissions would entail much greater demand for electric vehicles. McKinsey analysis shows how the shift could create opportunities and risks for automakers around the world.(7 pages)Mobility industries are the engines of the global economy, enabli...