This transition matrix is produced. FRESHPWB Classes (Rows) by SOPHPWB Classes (Columns) 1 2 3 1 1.000 0.000 0.000 2 0.114 0.818 0.068 3 0.025 0.202 0.773 Parameter 56=change in log odds of being in Soph Class 1 compared to Soph Class 3 if a respondent is in Freshman Class ...
Many Anaeramoeba MRO matrix proteins with complete N-termini (A. ignava: 35/72 [48.6%] and A. flamelloides 51/86 [59.3%]) have NTSs with a net positive charge (Data S1). This is in contrast to observations in Trichomonas, where only 10% (39/359) of experimentally localized ...