(1)过渡高度(Transition Altitude,TA):过渡高度是一个特定的修正海平面气压高度。在该高度及其以下,航空器的垂直位置按修正海平面气压高度表示,其高度表拨正值设定为QNH。( Transition Altitude (TA) is a specified altitude above mean sea level (MSL). When operating at or below TA, altimeter setting is ...
The airspace between the transition altitude and the transition level Source: ICAO Document 4444, Ch 1 Transition Level The lowest flight level available for use above the transition altitude. Source: ICAO Document 4444, Ch 1 Climbs and Descents The appropriate ATS unit shall establish the transit...
In the landing process, tiltrotor’s altitude control is vital for flight safety, and for this reason a baseline altitude control module is designed. The inputs for the module are zE (z-coordinate in earth frame), vEz (vertical speed), and zE,d (desired value of zE). The output is aE...
transition altitude Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia The altitude at or below which the vertical position of an aircraft is controlled by reference to true altitude. Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us...
Flight controlVTOLUAVADRCAn attempt is made to implement a faster level-flight to hover mode transition in tiltrotor's landing process for the purpose of shortening its landing time. A three-stage tiltrotor landing maneuver is designed, and corresponding control modules and algorithms are created ...
b.a change in the configuration of an atomic nucleus, involving either a change in energy level resulting from the emission of a gamma-ray photon or a transformation to another element or isotope 6.(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a sentence, passage, etc, that connects a topic to one...
Transition Altitude. The altitude at or below which the vertical position of an aircraft is controlled by reference to altitudes. Transition Level. The lowest flight level available for use above the transition altitude. Transition Layer. The airspace between the transition altitude and the transition...
LHASA, June 1 (Xinhua) -- In the eyes of Wangdu, 31, the most beautiful landscape in the world is in his hometown, a small village at 5,070 meters above sea level in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region. Situated next to the Puma Yumco Lake in the city of Shannan, Dowa Villag...
LHASA, June 1 (Xinhua) -- In the eyes of Wangdu, 31, the most beautiful landscape in the world is in his hometown, a small village at 5,070 meters above sea level in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region. Situated next to the Puma Yumco Lake in the city of Shannan, Dowa Villag...
Define Transition to democracy. Transition to democracy synonyms, Transition to democracy pronunciation, Transition to democracy translation, English dictionary definition of Transition to democracy. tr.v. de·moc·ra·tized , de·moc·ra·tiz·ing , de