transition-property:它指定应将过渡效果应用到的CSS属性。 transition-duration:它指定过渡动画应花费的时间长度。 transition-timing-function:它指定过渡的速度。 transition-delay:它指定过渡延迟或过渡开始的时间。 例: <!DOCTYPEhtml> CSStransitionProperty div{width:100px;height:270px;background:green;transitio...
The transition CSS property is a shorthand property for transition-property, transition-duration, transition-timing-function, transition-delay, and transition-behavior.
CSStransition-durationProperty div{width:100px;height:270px;background:green;transition-property:width;transition-duration:inherit;transition-timing-function:ease-in;transition-delay:.2s;display:inline-block; }div:hover{width:500px; } GeeksforGeeks TransitionProperty transition-duration:inherit ...
Quick reference Examples Basic example Supporting reduced motion Using a custom value Responsive design 5-day mini-course Build UIs that don’t suck. Short, tactical video lessons from the creator of Tailwind CSS, delivered directly to your inbox every day for a week. Get the free course →Lea...
ease-in-out规定以慢速开始和结束的过渡效果(等于 cubic-bezier(0.42,0,0.58,1))。 cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n)在 cubic-bezier 函数中定义自己的值。可能的值是 0 至 1 之间的数值。 Tip:Try the different values in the examples below to understand how it works!
Tip: Try the different values in the examples below to understand how it works!更多实例实例 为了更好地理解不同的函数值:这里有五个不同的div元素,用5个不同的值: #div1 {transition-timing-function: linear;} #div2 {transition-timing-function: ease;} #div3 {transition-timing-function: ease-...
How to use the transition-delay CSS longhand property to specify starting time for the transition effect. See property values and try examples. Loading... Reply Gwenvar Permalink to comment# March 5, 2014 Hi, I have a problem! The css works, but unlike the examples I’ve seen, mine automatically plays when the page loads: #box { /*usual properties go here*/ box-shadow: 20px 20px 6px #000000; -webkit...
III. Multiple examples of Css Transition delay(With Css transition delay multiple properties) html code: Css hover transition delay: 0.3 secondstransition-delay:.3s Css hover transition delay: 0.5 secondstransition-delay:.5s Css hover transition delay: 0.8 secondstransition-delay:.8s Css code: ...
data-closed Present before transitioning in, and when transitioning out. data-enter Present when transitioning in. data-leave Present when transitioning out. data-transition Present when transitioning in or out.Styled examples If you're interested in predesigned Tailwind CSS component examples using Head...