3.A period during childbirth that precedes the expulsive phase of labor, characterized by strong uterine contractions and nearly complete cervical dilation. intr.v.transi·tioned,transi·tioning,transi·tions To make a transition. tran·si′tion·al,tran·si′tion·ar′y(-zĭsh′ə-nĕr′...
The meaning of GENDER TRANSITION is a process by which a transgender or nonbinary person comes to live in accordance with their gender identity through changes to their appearance and presentation often with the aid of medical procedures and therapies. H
【语法】转换 【地】转移层 【语法】连接词常用例句 经典引文 用作名词(n.) Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood.青春期是从童年向成年过渡的时期。 The transition is almost imperceptible.这种过渡几乎觉察不到。近义词 临近词 changeover转换 alteration改变 transformation转型...
noun an event that results in a transformation synonyms: changeover, conversion see more noun a change from one place or state or subject or stage to another see more noun a passage that connects a topic to one that follows see more noun a musical passage moving from one key to anot...
Transition and transformation: The Celtic Divine Feminine in pre-Christian Ireland and her survival in Christian Ireland.This examines the Divine Feminine in Ireland during the years 400 to 700 C. E., the time of overlap and transition of the old religion and the new religion. Through the use...
We understand transition as the process of change from one state to another. In the context we are interested in here, this means a fundamental political change within a state. From a purely terminological perspective, the transformation from democracy t
"a going across or over," noun of action from past-participle stem of transire "go or… See origin and meaning of transition.
True Meaning of "Localized" f-Electrons Measured by dHvA Experiments in Ce-Based Heavy Fermion Metals (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, ... The true meaning of the terms "localized" and "itinerant", frequently used in the interpretations of de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) experiment...
网络释义 1. 变化 要考察他的人生经历,和是否能做不同的变化(make the transition)。要看他有无语言表述能力,对应征的脚本有没有本能的感 … group.mtime.com|基于 1 个网页 释义: 全部,变化
This adage by him has often helped me conduct myself in business scenarios and has always helped me understand why and how a product or service provider conducts his business. But I really understood the true meaning of this statement when I interned at his jewelry showroom this summer.It ...