transition: margin-left 4s 1s; /* 动画属性名称 | 持续时间 | 速度曲线 | 延迟时间 */ transition: margin-left 4s ease-in-out 1s; /* 2个transition属性 */ transition: margin-left 4s, color 1s; /* 为元素的所有变化使用过渡动画效果 */ transition: all 0.5s ease-out; 在线演示 下面的例子演...
类似于:transition:width 1s ease 0s, background 4s ease 0s ---多个属性的过渡 3.transition-delay---过渡延迟时间 该属性定义元素属性延迟多少时间后开始过渡效果,该属性的单位是秒s或毫秒ms 该属性若为负值,无延迟效果,但过渡元素的起始值将从0变成设定值(设定值=延迟时间+持续时间)。 若该设定值小于等于...
transition: all 2s ease .5s; 1. 或者拆开来写, transition-property: width, height; transition-duration: 2s; transition-timing-function: ease; transition-delay: .5s; 1. 2. 3. 4. transition: width 2s ease .5s // 等同于 transition-property: width; transition-duration: 2s; transition-timing...
transition: width 4s ease 0s; transition: all 4s lineal 3s; 过渡动画的运动方式,常用的有匀速,缓冲,请写出单词 匀速,linear 缓冲,ease 过渡动画的时间,要设置时间为3秒钟,应该怎么写这个三秒 3s 过渡动画的时间,要设置时间为500豪秒,如何写这五百豪秒 500ms 根据描述写出样式:过渡动画,让宽度发生变化,持续...
opacity:0; transform: translateX(150px); } .myTransition-enter-active, .myTransition-leave-active { transition: all0.8s ease; } 二、<transiton-group> 使用transition-group包裹的标签 在实现列表过渡时,如果需要过渡的元素是通过 v-for 渲染出来的,不能使用 transition 包裹,而是需要使用 transition-group...
transition: all 1s 0s ease; } But that’s a bit boring. While the defaults are often sufficient for standard hover events and such, if you’re working on something a little more substantial, then the timing function is a serious trick for fine-tuning an animation!
其中直接写个transition-duration 就可以使用,如:transition: .5s;它默认就会认成:transition:all 0.5s ease 0s;其中的all是全部属性,而ease表示过渡的类型.但学习吧不建议采用all,这有损性能...我们可直接写上属性名如 transition: width .4s, height .5s;这样会在你不知觉之间提高了性能,当然这点性能可能微...
/*transition: all 2s;*/ /*让某个属性过渡完再过去另一个属性*/ transition: background 2s ease 0s , width 2s ease 2s ,height 2s ease 4s; /*transition: all 2s ,height 2s ease 4s;*/ } div:hover{ background: red; width: 400px; ...
overflow:hidden; width:440px; margin:0 auto; } .listImage img { max-width:100% !important; height:auto; margin-bottom:19px; } .listImage a img { transition:all .4s ease-in-out; -webkit-transition:all .4s ease-in-out; }
transition-duration: 0s transition-property: all transition-timing-function: ease transition-behavior: normal Applies to all elements, ::before and ::after pseudo-elements Inherited no Computed value as each of the properties of the shorthand: transition-delay: as specified transition-duration: as ...