In the natal chart if the Moon and Saturn are in a fourth harmonic aspect that is either a conjunction, square or opposition. This needs a further look. If the Moon and Saturn are sextile or trine it just makes it an easier relationship throughout. Only bother about the fourth harmonic...
Astrologers understand that no matter what aspect a transiting planet makes to your natal planets, if the birth chart does not support the same aspect or similar aspect, then the energy imposed by the transiting planet is lessened. For example, if you were born with the Sun trine Mars and ...
Sun in Capricorn Sextile Saturn in Pisces late afternoon: Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus (PT) just before midnight. Wednesday, January 5: Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus (ET) early am. Moon square Mercury in Sagittarius early in the morning. Once void of course the moon makes a conjunction ...