Hotel Transit O.R. Tambo Airport为所有需要额外帮助的客人提供方便使用的无障碍设施,如所有公共走廊均设有视觉警报器、部分客房的手持式淋浴头可调节高度、部分客房的门栓设在较低位置、电子房卡和所有客房和套房均设有声音警报器,以便客人获得更加舒心的入住体验。住宿共设有24处无障碍设施,确保客人能够无忧入住。请...
Devesh Johannesburg, South Africa30 contributions 0 Great tour with Tamour Had an amazing experience with Tamour. He was very knowledgeable and showed us all the major sites. Also was a great photographer, knew where to get good photos. I'd recommend this t...
Corridors of freedom: Analyzing Johannesburg’s ambitious inclusionary transit-oriented development. J. Plan. Educ. Res. 2019, 39, 456–468. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Ibraeva, A.; Correia, G.H.A.; Silva, C.; Antunes, A.P. Transit-oriented development: A review of research achievements...