Pluto square Ascendant natal makes you highly competitive, and this can have a particularly negative impact on your close relationships. A subconscious fear that others are trying to control you can lead to intense drama in life. Believing your rights are threatened can also cause intense power st...
Pluto sextile Ascendant brings positive change and an opportunity to transform your life. You will have more power and influence over the
Interpretation of transiting Pluto Trine natal Ascendant,Free horoscopes, Astrology reports, astrology forecasts and horoscope predictions covering love, romance, relationships, luck, career and business, Synastry, Compatibility, love horoscopes, relatio
and Pluto's extended stay in Capricorn squares Libra. An analogy can be made between the square angle and two sticks being rubbed together. In both instances, something will burn away. Pluto governs the forces of life and death (plus change of a transformational...
Ashley: Mars-Moon-Neptune square and Pluto-Venus-Saturn-Pluto. CB: Pluto is in late Capricorn so it’s squaring your… So you have two stelliums but the clustering is a bunch of planets in Libra so Pluto has been squaring all of that, including the ruler of your Ascendant and your nat...
An analogy can be made between the square angle and two sticks being rubbed together. In both instances, something will burn away. Pluto governs the forces of life and death (plus change of a transformational nature), and it sets the tempo to the dance between fate and free will. ...
Natal Pluto opposite Ascendant, also Pluto conjunct Descendant or Pluto setting. Pluto opposite Ascendant transit and Pluto conjunct Descendant transit are
Uranus square Sun transitwill likely bring disruption as Uranus tests you with unexpected changes that affect your routine and life. The changes may come from within you, especially if you feel you cannot live as you truly wish, constrained by others or circumstances. ...
Can you please do Pluto square Ascendant, I am not able to find too much on information on it so far. And also how would mars in sagittarius conjunct Jupiter sagittarius be affected by mars square Saturn. I have both Jupiter and Saturn aspecting Mars very closing. Thank you. Reply Jamie...
Uranus conjunct Pluto transit brings radical change that can be intense and upsetting. However, this can also be a very liberating time, especially if you have felt confined by current circumstances. Powerful forces are acting that you cannot control. The key to dealing with this transit is open...