The house position will tell you. Mercury is the fastest planet after the moon and takes 88 days the orbit the sun. The winged messenger is the most variable in speed compared to the other planets. Mercury can spend between 15 to 60 days in a house or sign depending on its speed or w...
For Taurus ascendant, Saturn is a Yogakaraka planet, as it rules the 9th house of fortune and the 10th house of career. During its transit in Pisces, Saturn will move into your 11th house, which governs gains, social circles, long-term goals, and elder siblings. Its aspects will fall on...
Moon sextile Mars natal gives a passionate enthusiasm to work and play and indicates a successful life. It makes you energetic, ambitious, resolute, daring, charismatic, sexy and most appealing to the senses. You draw a crowd because you are so expressive and energetic, and it would be hard...
The Sun transits each house and sign once every year.If you usewhole sign housesthen Sign = House so the Sun will spend a month in each house perzodiac season. We each have our own internal clock, depending upon what month we were born. So the solar seasons really do have an effect ...
This interpretation for Sun sextile Pluto transit can also be read for a Solar Eclipse and New Moon sextile Pluto. Sun Sextile Pluto Celebrities K. D. Lang 0°00′, Stephen Arroyo 0°04′, Stonewall Jackson 0°04′, Gene Kelly 0°08′, Andrew Garfield 0°09′, Prince Edward, Duke ...
Conjunction is transiting through same sign as in birth chart, sextile is transiting 3rd or 11th house, trine is transiting 5th or 9th house, opposition is transiting 7th house from natal sign. Transit MOON conjunct Natal Rahu :You will adjust well to the present trends in the society. Effor...
New Moon in Houses Get a forecast report for the year ahead Find out what the year has in store for you with a personal forecast report: The Time Line Forecast explores the year's transits and progressions. The Year of Transits report interprets transits in depth. The Personalized Horoscope...
Saturn is the lord of 9th or 10th house from your Moon Sign. During its transit, Saturn will enter in your ninth house. During this transit period, you might get into arguments with your parents. You should maintain a control over your voice and also do not misbehave with anyone. ...
which rules Capricorn. Jupiter will be transiting the 9th House from theTaurus Moon sign, which is a favorable position for the auspicious planet Jupiter. From this position, Jupiter will aspect the 1st House, the House of talent, character and overall life, 3rd House, the House of communicati...
Rajat Murti or Rajat Paya : When Lord Saturn transits over the 2nd, 5th and 9th house from the moon sign we refer it as Rajat Paaya. This is the a slightly favorable position of Saturn. Taamra Murti or Taamra Paya : When Lord Saturn transits over the 3rd, 7th and 10th house from ...