Jupiter Trine Neptune Celebrities E. H. Southern 0°02′, Ian Shaw 0°05′, Elpidio Quirino 0°12′, John Wayne Bobbitt 0°16′, Martin Luther King 0°17′, Bruce McLaren 0°23′, Peter Gabriel 0°24′, Julio Bocca 0°26′,Michael Moore0°33′, Johann Wolfgang Goethe 0°38′, ...
Jupiter trine Pluto trine himself…. sounds much scarier to me than Saturn square sun! If I can ask a question(?): I wonder how much value to place on looking into the past at when these transits were last occurring? I can look back to when these same aspects were happening in my ...
Problematic Jupiter-in-Gemini behavior may be more prevalent around Jupiter’s square to Saturn in August and December and its square to the North Node in May 2025, and, to a lesser degree, during its minor clash with Pluto in April 2025 (see the exact timing of these aspects below). Wi...
Jupiter will trine Neptune from its watery dominion in Pisces, and this super-psychic (and equally empathic) watery duo will also harmonize with Saturn as it progresses across Scorpio. These three water signs may operate like loaded bases. Naturally, that's good news for water and earth signs....
leaving behind those no longer serving our growth. Jupiter encourages us to embrace our visions, and its trine to the North Node helps us balance our vision with our intuition. Our conscience is well-developed, and we want to help others. We’re more inclined than usual to believe in the...
Mer= Mercury Ven = Venus Mar = Mars Conj = Conjunction 0° (Angle) Sqr = Square 90° Jup = Jupiter Sat = Saturn Ura = Uranus Oppos = Opposition 180° Sxtil = Sextile 60° Nep = Neptune Plu = Pluto Rx = Retrograde Qucnx = Quincunx/Inconjunct 150° Tri = Trine 120°©...
Interpretation of transiting Mars Trine natal Mercury,Free horoscopes, Astrology reports, astrology forecasts and horoscope predictions covering love, romance, relationships, luck, career and business, Synastry, Compatibility, love horoscopes, relationsh
Jupiter | Gem | 14.61 | - | Eleventh_House | | Saturn | Leo | 12.8 | - | Second_House | | Uranus | Sco | 8.27 | R | Fourth_House | | Neptune | Sag | 14.69 | R | Fifth_House | | Pluto | Lib | 11.45 | R | Fourth_House | | Mean_Node | Lib | 21.49 | R | Fourth...
Mars will be retrograde in Capricorn sign on 27th June and remain till 28th August 2018. Mars will be retrograde in enemy’s sign which will not be very fruitful. Lord of the Capricorn sign is Saturn which main significations are disease, hard work, hurd
We also need to look at Saturn, the ruler of this full moon in Capricorn. Saturn is square Jupiter, describing a tense period on the collective level, but on the other hand, it is quintile Mars, and that's good news! Indeed, for professional matters, this aspect opens up an interesting...