In some transistors, the outer layers have an excess of electrons; in others, the middle layer has more electrons. Transistors work like gates, allowing or closing off the flow of electrons when an electric current or voltage is applied to a particular layer. Because of their tiny size and ...
The meaning of TRANSISTOR is a solid-state electronic device that is used to control the flow of electricity in electronic equipment and usually consists of a small block of a semiconductor (such as germanium) with at least three electrodes.
9. The operation of two-Transistor forward converter toponology and current control mode are discussed in this paper. 文章详细研究了双管正激变换器的拓扑结构及工作原理,阐述了该拓扑结构的优点及缺点。 10. transistor的意思 10. SENDON GENIUS UPS uses IGBT(insulated gate bipolar transistor) technology ...
The meaning of TRANSISTOR is a solid-state electronic device that is used to control the flow of electricity in electronic equipment and usually consists of a small block of a semiconductor (such as germanium) with at least three electrodes.
谁帮我翻下这句话(英语)Because a transistor's collector current is proportionally limited by its base current,it can be used as a sort of current-controlled switch.A relatively small flow of electrons sent through the base of the transis
According to one embodiment of the present invention, the device, which is a device to control a flow of current between a battery and a system, comprises: a current measurement unit to measure current flowing in a main line connecting between the battery and the system; a discharging field ...
The base terminal is connected to the positive terminal of base supply voltage VBwith base resistance RB. The base resistance is used to limit the maximum base current. When switched ON, the transistor allows a large collector current to flow, driven by a smaller base current entering the base...
type source to the drain because the p-type gate between them contains holes. But attaching a positive voltage to the gate creates an electric field that enables electrons to flow from the source to the drain. This creates the field effect, which facilitates the flow of current in the FET....
analogous to the current–voltage characteristics of the electronic transistor. We then use this microfluidic transistor to directly translate fundamental electronic circuits into the fluidic domain, including the amplifier, regulator, level shifter, logic gate and latch. We also combine these building ...
Leakage current: When the supply at the emitter-base junction is open-circuited, there is only reverse biasing in the base-collector junction. Therefore, this sets up a small amount of current called the leakage current. It is highly temperature-dependent because it depends upon ...