Based on the multi-spoke, single-plane, steady-state tyre model, a transient multi-spoke, three-plane tyre model is presented. This model involves updating the states of all the spokes under consideration to t+dt from the corresponding states at t. Also, a spoke base, which has lateral ...
For brevity, we’ll skip going through the analytic solution and will instead just state the result: When you apply heat to the surface part, the temperature at the surface will start to rise, and eventually the interior region will get warmer as well. Note that it takes more time for po...
transient state瞬态;过渡状态 transient flow瞬变流动;暂态流 transient analysis瞬态分析;瞬时分析 transient voltage瞬变电压;瞬态电压;过渡电压 transient current瞬变电流 transient population流动人口;暂住人口 transient fault瞬时故障;瞬时失效;过渡故障 transient condition瞬时条件;瞬变工况 ...
The presented transient time optimal control method is then compared with results obtained from a traditional quasi-steady state manoeuvre time simulation method. A thermodynamic tyre model is developed and the time optimal control algorithm is used to evaluate dynamic tyre temperature effects on lap ...
Based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, nonlinear axial Lagrangian strain and simplified curvature, the nonlinear differential equations of motion for rotating ring on the elastic foundation (RREF) are established by absolute nodal coordinate formulation curved beam element. In non-rotating state, the...
Prolonged dLAN exposure increased plasma corticosterone levels and hippocampal Bdnf levels in both wild-type and Per3−/− mice, irrespective of the affective state of the animals, and imipramine treatment attenu- ated the increase in both. Several stressors, which increase corticosterone, can ...
A major limitation of the brush models is that they are usually used to only describe the steady-state charac- teristics of tyres. Indeed, the solution of the PDEs governing the tyre-road interaction requires analytical and computational efforts which do not always fit the need for real-time ...
Under the assumption of vanishing sliding, the most salient properties of the model are discussed with some insights on concepts as existence and uniqueness of the solution. A comparison against the classic steady-state theory suggests that the latter represents a very good approximation even in ...
It is based on the assumption that in every instant there must be equilibrium between the force caused by the tyre deformation and the force corresponding nonlinearilly to the response on some kinematic parameter (steady state response on instantaneous slip angle, longitudinal slip, path curvature)....
For the extension of the linear theory to cover the nonlinear range of the slip characteristics, the semi-nonlinear model uses the instantaneous nonlinear force response as an input in its basic differential equation. The input steady-state side force is calculated, for example, with the Magic ...