The etiology of transient neurological symptoms remains unkonwn. Despite the transient nature of this syndrome, it has proven to be difficult to treat effectively. Drug or some interventional therapy may be necessary. [Archives Medical Review Journal 2013; 22(1.000): 33-44]...
Protocol-Guided Rapid Evaluation of Veterans Experience New Transient Neurological Symptoms (PREVENT). NCT02769338. Accessed December 15, 2017. Keeping Faith With Patients After Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack JAMA Neurology Editorial April 1, 2018...
Noun1.transient ischemic attack- brief episode in which the brain gets insufficient blood supply; symptoms depend on the site of the blockage TIA ischaemia,ischemia- local anemia in a given body part sometimes resulting from vasoconstriction or thrombosis or embolism ...
Neurological findings were otherwise normal. Her general practitioner referred her to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, which revealed multiple white matter lesions, raising suspicion of cancer metastases. She was admitted to the oncology clinic for further examination. An MRI with ...
Transient ischemic attack (TIA, Mini-Stroke):Aneurologicalevent with the signs and symptoms of astroke, but which go away within a short period of time. Also called a mini-stroke, a TIA is due to a temporary lack of adequate blood and oxygen (ischemia) to the brain. This is often caus...
Transient ischemic attack(TIA) refers to a transient period of neurological dysfunction. It is characterized by symptoms of blindness, slurred speech, and paralysis on one side of the body.Answer and Explanation: The latest research show patients suffering from transient ischemic attack also experience...
We found 11 (35.4%) patients (all women, median age 62 years; 8/11 [72.7%] with autoimmune comorbidities) with transient neurological symptoms antedating CA onset by a median of 3 months, including vertigo in 9 (81.8%; described as paroxysmal in 8) and fluctuating diplopia in 3 (27.3%...
Physical and neurological exams.They'll test your vision, eye movement, speech, language, reflexes, strength, and sensory system. They might also listen to yourcarotid artery, which is in your neck, using a stethoscope. This will tell your doctor if you have hardening of the arteries. Your ...
Noun1.TIA- brief episode in which the brain gets insufficient blood supply; symptoms depend on the site of the blockage transient ischemic attack ischaemia,ischemia- local anemia in a given body part sometimes resulting from vasoconstriction or thrombosis or embolism ...
Physical and neurological exams.They'll test your vision, eye movement, speech, language, reflexes, strength, and sensory system. They might also listen to yourcarotid artery, which is in your neck, using a stethoscope. This will tell your doctor if you have hardening of the arteries. Your ...