As for “common sense”: in many human societies it was “common sense” to own slaves, to beat your children, again etc. Today it’s “common sense” to circumcise male babies, to eat meat, to send people who commit petty crimes to jail, etc., to pick some examples of things that...
The word Catholic by definition means universal or all encompassing. The Pope claims to be infallible from error under the doctrine of “Papal Infallibility”. Pope Francis replaced Joseph Ratzinger because of his training in multi tasking and connections with various groups and secret societies. Pope...
It’s particularly important to understand the differences between good foresight and bad foresight – to review past examples of each, learning from both the failures and, yes, the occasional successes of previous attempts to foresee and create the future. That’s one of our key tasks in the ...
Compare the World Health Organization definition of health: Is good health for all as defined by the WHO feasible without biological-genetic interventions? As transhumanists, we all favour radical life-extension. But it's worth recalling that ...
We crave positional or status goods, which are finite by definition. Whether competitive football, chess, politics, war - or the brutal struggle for tenure-track faculty positions in academia – there will be "winners" and "losers". Hence the persistence of suffering might seem inevitable. To ...
By definition, the future beyond the Singularity is not knowable by our linear, chemical, animal brains, but Kurzweil is teeming with theories about it. He positively flogs himself to think bigger and bigger; you can see him kicking against the confines of his aging organic hardware. “When ...
(2003), asserting that: "Navigating a car through city traffic or deciphering the scrawled handwriting on a personal check – minor undertakings for most adults – are not routine tasks by our definition." Today, the problems of navigating a car and deciphering handwriting are sufficiently well ...