Febrile non-hemolytic transfusion reactions (FNHTR) accounted for 31 cases (81.58%), allergic transfusion reactions for six cases (15.79%), and one case (2.63%) involved an immunologic hemolytic transfusion reaction caused by alloantibodies. Among the reported ATRs, 37 (97.36%) were associated ...
关键词: plasma transfusion intravascular volume/protein hypovolemia, hypoalbuminemia IV (jugular) catheter standing/cush position jugular IV, aseptically plasma transfusion, reaction trembling/hives/pruritis mild reaction, transfusions stopped supportive, and epinephrine ...
4.1millionunitsoffresh-frozenplasma(FFP) Approximately40%ofalltransfusedunits administeredbyanesthesiapersonnel TransfusionRisks Infectious Viral Bacterial Noninfectious ReactiontoRBCAntigens AcuteHemolyticTransfusionReactions(AHTR) DelayedHemolyticTransfusionReactions(DHTR) ...
63, 64 The initial approach to a suspected acute transfusion reaction should include stopping transfusion, establishing patent intravenous access, contacting the transfusion service, confirming the correct product for the patient, and assessing the patient for fever, cardiovascular status, respiratory status...
In the case of 3 patients who had multiple TRALI reactions to WB-PLTs, only the first reaction was used in the study. Patient and blood product variables from these TRALI patients were compared by logistic regression analysis with those of a control group of 225 patients who had received ...
TRALI is a serious transfusion adverse reaction characterized by the acute onset of non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema following transfusion of blood products. Although all blood components have been implicated, TRALI is more commonly associated with plasma-containing products (e.g., FFP and aphaeresis pl...
along with a variety of nonimmunologic incidents like transfusion-transmitted bacterial infections, hypervolemia, and other rare events such as citrate reaction, air embolism, and foreign body embolism. If the outcome is lethal, the question of causality has to be answered by a comprehensive evaluat...
has also been reported in patients requiring transplantation of bone marrow and solid organ; ALI in these patients should be considered an untoward reaction related to the graft or to supportive care.43-50 Further prospective analyses of patients who have undergone transfusion are required to ...
Massive transfusion -> platelets, FFP, PRBC, TXA All suspected transfusion reactions, regardless of severity, should be ___ reported to the blood bank ASAP! Transfusion reaction: Allergic reaction -mild vs severe sx -management -eval Symptoms: - Mild (COMMON!) –> urticaria, pruritus - Sever...
The reaction (R, in minutes) represents the latency of clot formation from the beginning of the clotting reaction to the initial formation of fibrin (defined as clot amplitude of 2 mm); the R generally corresponds to INR and aPTT. The kinetic (K, in minutes) describes the time required ...