The Transformers: The Movie is a 1986 Japanese-American animated feature film produced by Sunbow-Marvel Productions and animated by Toei Animation. It was released in the United States on August 8, 1986 and was distributed by the, De Laurentiis Entertain
"That which does not become part of myself, shall become one with the Great Void." --Unicron[1] Unicron is the eternal arch-enemy of his twin brother Primus. He is known as the Dark God, the Destroyer, the Chaos Bringer, the Planet Eater, and he is dedic
I am so excited to see this movie, as a Beast Wars fan, as a Transformers fan. This may not be the best, but it looks like it'll at least be fun.Re: Rise of the Beasts Official Bios Mention Multiverse and Time Travel (2161250) Posted by Stormshot_Prime on May 13th, 20...
Whereas in the West, Seasons 2-3 are hailed as some of the best (if not the best) animated Transformers fiction of all time. Skritz wrote:It might be convoluted but at least its an actual backstory and one tied to all three major fragments of Generation 1 Cartoon Continuity: ...
The transformers are United States introduced by the renowned film director Michael Bay 2007 science fiction film, at the same time, it is "following the event" since first being allowed in Pentagon shooting film. Films in order to enhance realism, Michael Bay has a large number of detailed ...
Template:Overly detailed Template:Multiple issues Transformers: Prime is a computer animated children's television series produced by Hasbro Studios and animated by Polygon Pictures. It is based on the Transformers toy and entertainment franchise origina
What Shockwave did not realize, however, was that the repeated time-travel and the death of Cyclonus had caused a rift in space-time that threatened the stability of reality. Hoping to restore the balance by returning all time-travelers to their proper place in time, Scourge attempted to ...
InThe Transformers: The Movie, Hot Rod doesn't transform the same way twice. At just under one year, Rodimus Prime served the shortest term as Autobot Commander ever (besides Ultra Magnus). By comparison, Optimus Prime served in this capacity for 8-10 million years, depending on which contin...