Early in the film, Elita tells Orion, "You don't have the touch or the power," referencing Stan Bush's song, "The Touch", from The Transformers: The Movie (1986), which included the lyrics, "you've got the touch, you've got the power". Helpful•204 2 Elita uses the term Go...
“The Transformers: The Movie”was a 1986 hand-drawn animated film based on the toy franchise (“Transformers“) created byHasbro. The film was directed byNelson Shin, best known for his work in the animation field, spanning from co-directing the“My Little Pony”(1984) TV movie to working...
along with some deep reflections on the music of Wings; I jump in with the audacity to compare THE THING: NIGHT FALLS ON YANCY STREET to Frank Miller's legendary DARK KNIGHT RETURNS; Liz reviews