Transformers: The Animated Movie(Alternate Retelling) Promotions The movie was advertised on related 1986 toy packages via theDecipher the DecepticonSweepstakes, which included a pack-in poster and contest. The movie was heavily advertised directly by TV commercials, and tail-end segments on Transformer...
Material: High-quality PVC Type: Assembly model Size: Approximately 17cm in height Recommend Age: Suitable for ages 18 and above Theme: Movie & TV, inspired by Japan's beloved Gundam anime ACG Character: Optimus Prime, the iconic leader from Transformers **Exquisite Craftsmanship** The Flame ...
As for why the movie's robots have expressive faces now, Cooley added,"Absolutely. Yeah. Everything in CG is a choice, because nothing's real and nothing is for free. So first of all, they have to earn their faceplates. They don't just get them right away. They have to earn ...
In the movie's closing moments, after creating the Autobots, Prime restores the Cybertronians' ability to transform and vows to fight for their planet together. If you're a Transformers fan, chances are you can see how this is all building to a sequel which covers the c...
While being interviewed for the site, producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura basically laid out the entire premise of the movie, confirming that the story would be primarily set on the home planet of the Robots in Disguise, Cybertron. He also revealed that the untitled film will serve as an origi...
Another Update: The official movie website has added another version of the movie trailer, it's the same as the one seen earlier on yahoo, but includes the voice of Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime! "Welcome back to the land of moving parts", Mr. Cullen!Update: Thanks to the Allspark for...
Movies: I review Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon. I've also cleaned up the transcripts for the first and second movie. Toys: Age of Extinction: Galvatron (Takara), Lockdown (Takara), Transformers: Generations: T30 Nemesis Prime & Spinister, T30 Tankor, Classics: Uni. Superio...
Movies: I review Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon. I've also cleaned up the transcripts for the first and second movie. Toys: Age of Extinction: Galvatron (Takara), Lockdown (Takara), Transformers: Generations: T30 Nemesis Prime & Spinister, T30 Tankor, Classics: Uni. Superio...
An English sheepdog appears in David Cronenberg’s movie of Hollywood, Maps to the Stars. “It was the biggest and best range(等级)of dog performances I think I’ve ever know,” Rose told the reporter. Because of the great number of dogs on screen, White God has got the first place....,1,1 +5922,8454,screamed,ljp/4,THE GIRLS NEXT TO ME SCREAMED WHAT THE FUCK IS A CHONCE I'm CRYIBG,0,0 +6834,9788,trapped,å_å_Los Mina Cityã¢,Hollywood Movie About Trapped Miners Released in Chile: 'The ...