Transformers: Animated: With David Kaye, Jeff Bennett, Bumper Robinson, Tom Kenny. Transformers crash land on present day Earth and inadvertently cause a technological revolution. They wake up 50 years later in a world where robots are used in everyday l
2)Interview with TakaraTomy Marketing Team Producer Noriaki Maeda translated on TFW2005 3)Botcon 2012 Tracks revealed 4)Perfect Effects Lio Convoy and Big Convoy on the way! 5)Feb 2012 issue of Hyper Hobby now available Transformers Animated Showtimes and TV Listings At
These are the 10 best episodes of the The Transformers (1984), the animated show that launched the franchise in the US. ByGary Lockard Feb 27, 2022 What’s Going on With the Recently Announced Transformers Trilogy? Transformers Now that we’re seemingly over the Michael Bay era, what does...
Director Josh Cooley ("Toy Story 4") is about to change that with "Transformers One." /Film's Ryan Scott, who attended the Paramount Pictures panel at CinemaCon 2024, got an early look at the upcoming animated movie."Transformers One" is a prequel set before the war when the Autobots ...
Transformers news for the Transformers movie. Latest information on Transformers 5 The Last Knight. Also includes archived stories for Age of Extinction, Dark of the Moon, Revenge of the Fallen and Transformers 1. Check it out for filming updates, spy shots, new robot pictures, plot details, ...
There was an almost 40-year gap between "The Transformers: The Movie" and the new "Transformers One." It's astounding it took that long for another animated film about the Robots in Disguise because that's the medium where they're most at home. It's why in the 40 years this series ...
The last time the Transformers were released in animated form on the big screen was 1986, whenThe Transformers: The Moviewas unleashed on an unsuspecting generation of young fans. While the Saturday morningTransformerscartoon was intended for audiences of all ages, the movie version was far more ...
Transformers - The Movie: Regia di Nelson Shin. Con Norman Alden, Jack Angel, Michael Bell, Gregg Berger. The Autobots must stop a colossal planet-consuming robot who goes after the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. At the same time, they must defend themsel
Remake This Movie RIGHT! May 1, 2017 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest In the early 1980s, Hasbro’s Transformers franchise erupted into pop culture with an animated series to compliment the craze from their toy line. With Optimus Prime, Megatron and many others, these characters resonated...
It was fairly strong stuff for an animated movie at the time. But it was as nothing –nothing– compared to the shock of what happened to Optimus Prime. In the midst of a pitched battle which saw Autobots struck down left and right, Prime engaged in a brutal fight with Megatron. At ...