Transformers Oneis the untold origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron, better known as sworn enemies, but once were friends bonded like brothers who changed the fate of Cybertron forever. The first-ever fully CG-animatedTransformersmovie features a star-studded voice cast, including Chris H...
Many fans still consider the '80s animated movie to be a high point of the entire Transformers franchise, so there's sure to be a lot of excitement for this one. Recommended For You: JURASSIC WORLD REBIRTH "Leaked" Trailer Sees Scarlett Johansson Transform Into A Dinosaur...
Now the world is gone and we're just one, or at least there's one movie trailer to talk about on the latest episode of the Twincast / Podcast. Host ScottyP sits down with Aaarnhide19, Kuhlio, Mr. Starscream and Rotorstorm to find out how many podcasters it takes to...
Now the world is gone and we're just one, or at least there's one movie trailer to talk about on the latest episode of the Twincast / Podcast. Host ScottyP sits down with Aaarnhide19, Kuhlio, Mr. Starscream and Rotorstorm to find out how many podcasters it takes to...
Transformers: The Movie Returns to Theaters for One Night Only This Fall, Fathom Events is bringing Transformers: The Movie back to theaters in anticipation of the spin-off Bumblebee. ByB. Alan OrangeAug 1, 2018 Trailers Transformers: The Movie 30th Anniversary Trailer Revisits The 80s Classic...
Transformers movie trailer online! Nevermore 2006-12-20 6:00 am A few hours earlier than expected, the official trailer for Michael Bay's live action Transformers movie is online! Well, there are several international versions, including a French and a German one... and there's also a UK...