Release Japanese 1989 English August 8, 1986 The Transformers: The Movie is a 1986 Japanese-American animated feature film produced by Sunbow-Marvel Productions and animated by Toei Animation. It was released in the United States on August 8, 1986 and was distributed by the, De Laurentiis Entert...
Angry Birds Transformers is a run-and-gun video game developed by Rovio Entertainment and Exient Entertainment. The game is a crossover between the Angry Birds and Transformers series. The game would release on October 15, 2014, and October 30, 2014, for
Fan Central BETA Games Anime Movies TV Video Wikis Explore Wikis Community Central Start a Wiki Don't have an account? Register Sign In Start a Wiki Sign In Don't have an account? Register Sign In Transformers Universe MUX Explore Main Page All Pages Community Intera...
Cybertron, or Primus, which describes its/his body, is the home planet of the Transformers, and the space station of the Autobots. Japanese name: Seibertron(セイバートロン Seibātoron, except for "The Rebirth") / Cybertron Bulgarian Name: Kibertron (Ки
Movies: I review Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon. I've also cleaned up the transcripts for the first and second movie. Toys: Age of Extinction: Galvatron (Takara), Lockdown (Takara), Transformers: Generations: T30 Nemesis Prime & Spinister, T30 Tankor, Classics: Uni. Superio...
It's been a good year so far, what with the Transformers Animated two-part season finale "A Bridge Too Close, Parts One & Two", the release of the Transformers Animated and Universe (2008) toylines, the various announcements, rumors, and spoilers for both Transformers: Revenge ... (8 ...
Movies: I review Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon. I've also cleaned up the transcripts for the first and second movie. Toys: Age of Extinction: Galvatron (Takara), Lockdown (Takara), Transformers: Generations: T30 Nemesis Prime & Spinister, T30 Tankor, Classics: Uni. Superio...
Promos. With Transformers you have a lot of opportunities with toys, movies, videogames, comics, DVDs, and then of course the actual card packs. Promoting the game and awareness of it should be really easy if they went that route. But why do I feel that they will keep it separate?
Fan Central BETA Games Anime Movies TV Video Wikis Explore Wikis Community Central Start a Wiki Don't have an account? Register Sign In Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki Explore Main Page Discuss All Pages Community Interactive Maps Recent Blog Posts Rise of the Beasts ...
in: Tyran, Movies, Articles needing citations, and 2 more Movie media Movie English Deutsch Español 日本語 Русский Transformers Edit Edit source History Talk (189) Please note that this is the Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki's article on the 2007 live-actio...