The Transformers: The Movie is a 1986 Japanese-American animated feature film produced by Sunbow-Marvel Productions and animated by Toei Animation. It was released in the United States on August 8, 1986 and was distributed by the, De Laurentiis Entertain
However, a recent fan-made concept trailer of Transformers: War of the Beasts got people all hyped. It showed G.I. Joe teaming up with the Autobots to fight Unicron, the big bad.Transformers: War of the Beasts Teases Epic Alliance in a Fan-Made Trailer...
Tra Gen Prime Commander G1 Silverbolt Product Number: G0752 Tra Gen Prime Titan Star Optimus Prime (Star Convoy) Product Number: G0470 Fan Channel: Tra Gen Selects G2 Dinobots (not sure if it’s cores or leaders yet) Product Number: G1375 Walmart: Tra Gen retro Inspired Dlx Seaspray...
DEFORMATION SPACE DS-001 SEEKERS (G1 MP Starscream, Thundercracker & Skywarp) williammmw, Jun 10, 2021 Replies: 8231 Views: 687,341 Furb Today at 12:23 PM Y-C002 - Legends Scale - Scorponok ArkhamSoldier, Jul 26, 2023 Replies: 329 Views: 25,532 Barebot Today at 12:12 PM...
We get a little joke about Chromia being concerned about Windblade spreading gossip about her to Ironhide, alluding to their relationship in the G1 cartoon… which hopefully won’t be pursued here.Ironhide’s vision of the future was in the last issue of Mike Costa’s ongoing, where he’s...
This new 3-pack consists of new premium G1-cartoon-inspired redecos of Studio Series Coronation Starscream, Legacy Blitzwing and Siege/Earthrise Astrotrain (no extra parts). Pre-orders are live for ¥16,500 ($114.32 USD approximately) and scheduled for release in April 2025. See the images...
Maybe so, in this fan's humble opinion! Show accurate, pose-able, super fun transformation, a fantastic homage to the G1 original with inventive personality in the show, and oh yeah, he's a bad@$$ Decepticon triple changer! Check out the all new character page for TFA Blitzwing, now ...
It's like releasing a new G1-themed character without having to do any retool or redesign, but counting on the name WHEELJACK and Geewunners to make money without any effort on their part.Or it simply sells to patents/kids, the targeted audience. As the articke asks, do you see all ...
G1 Throttlebot Searchlight was a white car that transforms into a white-and-blue robot. I played him for a while on the site's RPG and killed him under the (mistaken) basis of 'nobody likes those ugly pull-back cars anyway'. I'm still very sorry to the staff for that, and I'm...
At first I watched only because it is another TF series and since I am a fan from my childhood (G1 that is) I just watch anything new that TF franchise has to show to see how things are changing and of course out of nostalgia about the 'old days'. It is actually the first series...