是末日的序曲 The beginning of the End 造物主啊! Suffering circuits! 那会是什么? What could it be? 世界末日的光芒 The light at the end of the world 擎天圣呼叫黄豹和白虎 Optimus Primal to Cheetor and Tigatron 收到了吗? Do you copy? 我是白虎 Tigatron here. 到基地再解释 Ill explain in ...
Whattheslaggin'... 这是什么? WhatISthis? 是末日的序曲 ThebeginningoftheEnd 造物主啊! Sufferingcircuits! 那会是什么? Whatcoulditbe? 世界末日的光芒 Thelightattheendoftheworld 擎天圣呼叫黄豹和白虎 OptimusPrimaltoCheetorandTigatron 收到了吗?
A visual feast from beginning to end, and a very welcome shift in story-telling for a Transformers film.But personally, I have issues with the movie : First, the lack of original or more impactful and weighty voices for the leads by the end! With the casted "voice actors" (unnecessary ...
If `True`, this variable will be set back to `False` at the beginning of the next epoch. should_save (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not the model should be saved at this step. If `True`, this variable will be set back to `False` at the beginning of th...
All in all the two films were so good, so exciting from the beginning to the end. It was most enjoyable watching them.变形金刚和变形金刚续集两套都是美国拍摄的科幻电影,故事背景是说一种来自一个名叫Cybertron遥远行星能够变形的机械生物Autobots。它们是来寻找几十年前在地球坠毁了的一架...
Autobot Pinpointer (red repaint of Power Core Combiners Waterlog given out by Toys’R’Us with 4000 yen’s worth of purchases to commemorate the beginning of the Prime toyline) Shadow Balo (clear black repaint of Skywarp’s Micron given out with 3000 yen’s worth of Prime toys in Yamada ...
Fast-Bert is a deep learning library that allows developers and data scientists to train and deploy BERT and XLNet based models for natural language processing tasks beginning with Text Classification. It is aimed at simplicity. Keywords: Deployment, BERT, XLNet towhee Towhee makes it...
Python bindings for the Transformer models implemented in C/C++ using GGML library. - ctransformers/ctransformers/llm.py at 4967122e3e8fb8abfb7c978fac6f9e8f284935b2 · mcx/ctransformers
bos_token 是序列的开始标记 (Beginning of Sequence),用于表示对话的开头。 {% for message in messages %}: 循环遍历对话中的所有消息。messages 是一个包含每条对话内容和角色的列表,message是其中以字典方式存储的条目。 {% if (message['role'] == 'user') != (loop.index0 % 2 == 0) %}: 该条...
Fast-Bert is a deep learning library that allows developers and data scientists to train and deploy BERT and XLNet based models for natural language processing tasks beginning with Text Classification. It is aimed at simplicity. Keywords: Deployment, BERT, XLNet towhee Towhee makes it...