Elita uses the term GoBots as a pejorative. In the 1980s, Tonka's GoBots were a rival transforming toy line to Hasbro's Transformers that also included an animated series and animated film, each released within months of its Transformers counterpart. When Hasbro bought out Tonka in 1991, Go...
Check out the Transformers One trailer for the upcoming CG-animated movie starring Chris Hemsworth (Orion Pax), Brian Tyree Henry (D-16), Scarlett Johansson (Elita-1) and Keegan-Michael Key (B-127), Steve Buscemi, with Laurence Fishburne and Jon Hamm.Transformers One is the untold origin st...
Transformers One is the untold origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron, better known as sworn enemies, but once were friends bonded like brothers who changed the fate of Cybertron forever. In the first-ever fully CG-animated Transformers movie, TRANSFORMERS ONE features a star-studded voice ca...
Download 3D model Transformers One Elita 2kViews5Comment 60Like Download 3D model Transformers One Bumblebee 2.6kViews1Comment 60Like Optimus Prime (WFC) Remastered Model 745Views1Comment 18Like AnimatedDownload 3D model Transformers Earth Wars Orion Pax 196Views0Comment 5Like Download 3D model lowpo...
This episode features Animated Swindle's Cybertronian mode. Compared to his Animated earthen mode, it is very plain. Oh, and both Blitzwing and Lugnut have their Cybertronian modes as well. GoofsSurvival Skills: Elita-One's ponytail is missing throughout the two panels where she appeared....
The Transformers are back in theaters this week with Transformers One, the first animated movie in the franchise in nearly four decades. It's also a big step up from many of the live-action Transformers movies, which were box office successes even when they weren't very good films. ...
The first-ever fully CG-animatedTransformersmovie features a star-studded voice cast, including Chris Hemsworth (Orion Pax), Brian Tyree Henry (D-16), Scarlett Johansson (Elita-1) and Keegan-Michael Key (B-127), Steve Buscemi, with Laurence Fishburne, and Jon Hamm. ...
(B-127), Scarlett Johansson (Elita-1) and Chris Hemsworth (Orion Pax) star in PARAMOUNT ANIMATION and HASBRO Present In Association with NEW REPUBLIC PICTURES. A di BONAVENTURA PICTURES Production A TOM DESANTO / DON MURPHY Production A BAY FILMS Production "TRANSFORMERS ONE" ©2024 Paramount ...
That meeting leads to a discovery that soon sees Orion Pax, D-16, Elita-1 and B-127 heading out on their own expedition. To be honest Transformers One is the most engaging and best-looking animated film to hit screens since the ‘Spider-Verse’ films. The teams of screenwriters have ...
InTransformers One, Orion Pax and D-16 are the best of friends on Cybertron. Joined by B-127 and Elita on a quest to find the Matrix of Leadership, they discover that Sentinel Prime's rule of Cybertron is built on lies and set out to expose their leader. ...