Transformers Animated .com is a dedicated Transformers resource to the Transformers Animated cartoon, toyline and comic book series from Hasbro Inc, Cartoon Network and IDW Comics.
Transformers Animated (Season 1, 2 & 3) Transformers Energon (Season 1 & 2) Transformers Cybertron (Season 1, all 52 episodes) A good chance for those who couldn’t buy a physical format before, or an alternative to buy any of these cartoons for your video library. Click on the discussi...
And for some weird reason he keeps reminding me of one of the Movie Decepticons with his hunched look... Having experienced this mold before (Heavytread, who really looks like Warpath), I'm rather fond of it, even though the robot mode looks a bit silly. Still, it could be worse. ...
Ponies, Autobots, and Decepticons mix it up in this graphic novel mashup! When Queen Chrysalis casts a spell looking for more changelings, she accidentally interferes with a malfunctioning Spacebridge! What's this mean for our favorite fillies? There are suddenly a bunch of Autobots and Deceptic...
Granted, pretending that Searchlight was Blades and hacking through Decepticons was kind of cool, but after the 'new toy' brouhaha dies out, they'll probably going to spend the rest of their lives hidden in a corner of a display case. Or on eBay. ...
Transformers: The Animated Movie(Alternate Retelling) Promotions The movie was advertised on related 1986 toy packages via theDecipher the DecepticonSweepstakes, which included a pack-in poster and contest. The movie was heavily advertised directly by TV commercials, and tail-end segments on Transformer...
Latest Reviews and Streams Generations•Studio Series•Movies•MP•G1•3P G1 Triple Changer Octane Review By Bert The Stormtrooper! 3 Minute Reviews Transformers Earthspark Tacticon Starscream Fingerbanger Decepticons Simple Walmart Exclusive! Transformers Legacy United Star Raider Deluxe Road Pig...
Case in point: this build of Megatron’s perpetually scheming second in command Starscream after he’s abandoned the Decepticons and installed himself as Cybertron’s “High Chancellor,” complete with crown and cape. It’s a rare moment of triumph and of course it’s snatched from him, but...
Assemble your team of Autobots and Decepticons, unleash powerful abilities in new combats! The battle rages on – answer the call! Stay tuned for more updates. See you in the game! Wacth the trailer after the break and then sound off on the 2005 Boards! [Read more…] Discuss on the ...
Way back in 1984 a line of shape-shifting toys became the must-have plaything for all self-respecting boys. They quickly morphed into a series of comic books, cartoons and an animated movie. Now, 20-plus years after the fact, they’re the subjects of a wild, effects-filled summer blockb...