The Transformers Season 3(U.S. Sequel) Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers 2010(Japanese Sequel) Transformers: The Movie (Marvel Comics)(Alternate Retelling) Transformers: The Animated Movie(Alternate Retelling) Promotions The movie was advertised on related 1986 toy packages via theDecipher the...
Welcome to Transformers Movie Wiki, a wiki covering Michael Bay's Transformers film series. Transformers is a series of American science fiction action films based on the toys and media franchise of the same name developed in the 1980s by Hasbro and Taka
Seven years ago, we fled Cybertron as it fell to the Decepticons. Our enemies followed us, and in search of safety, I led as many as I could here... Earth. Now, we live in hiding, disguised, knowing if we are exposed, the people of this world will seek to capture and destroy ...
Current In thecontinuity, this Unicron outright refuses to take(who actually offers) as his slave, instead he calls him insignificant and says that he will destroy the Earth himself. He also does not torment Megatron. This changes when Megatron sides withto destroy their now common enemy. Unicr...
Autobots Decepticons War for Cybertron DS version Cybertron Adventures Dark of the Moon Universe Fall of Cybertron Prime – The Game Novels Ghosts of Yesterday The Veiled Threat Exodus Dark of the Moon: The Junior Novel Exiles Retribution
After Sarah Connor helped revive Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, Megatron ordered the Decepticons to retreat, but not before firing a shot at the Ark that damaged most of the still-dormant Autobots. Regrouping in Oregon to fix Megatron's optic and gather intel on the enemy, the Decepticons ...
Since Trypticon is built like Grimlock (due to the fact that Trypticon is also a dinosaur) his alt-mode is also a tricycle instead of a city for Decepticons. Since Hal fills the role of Trypticon, this is the first bird character purely on the side of the Deceptihogs (not counting ...
Killed to Uphold the Masquerade: Given his origins, he was a closet Decepticon and was killed on the order of Proteus as part of a plan to stop the Decepticons in one fell swoop. Rags to Riches: He was just a mining overseer yet he went on to become a Senator after Three-of-Twelve...
It was the first video game about the famous Autobots, which are fight against the Decepticons. In this game the player controls one of the five Autobots: Optimus Prime, Hound, Jazz, Mirage and Bumblebee. These Deceptions are in this game: Megatron, Soundwave, Starscream, Buzzsaw, Skywarp,...
Apparently Spike told the Decepticons that all Earth was behind them helping Iacon and General Hawk was involved. This being, who gave his name as Deathsaurus, was rational and didn't go off half-cocked like many Decepticons would. He said he was the 'Destron Emperor' and they were ...